Colors of Life - RGB!
The base colors in this world are Red, Green and Blue!
Red: Symbolizes Purity, danger, powerful etc
Green: Symbolizes prosperity, jealousness (!)
Blue: Peace, Gloomy, temperament
You mix different proportions of these colors to get the vibrant colors of life!
It means that you play with these colors in life to show different emotions! Too much of anything is bad!
You are right! Life is about balancing! Anything too much, is too bad! Nature is the perfect example of using the color combinations to the perfection! Learn from nature and try to be balanced.
Good rendition of the colours and the association with the nature.
Just want to know does a best loved colour of a person reflects his personality ?
Though a man is inclined to a particular color, I think, it's not the only color he inhibits and so the qualities. Probably, the color most liked, will bear the qualities highly exhibited by the individual but may not be able to reflect his/her personality completely! That's what I think! What do you say?
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